Photo by Luis Quintero from Pexels 


California Streets and Highways Code:

Department of Toxic Substances Control: Unlicensed Vehicle Dismantling

California Streets and Highways Code

Sec. 746.3

An illegal junkyard is one which is either:

(a) Established or is maintained in violation of this article and does not come within the definition of a “nonconforming junkyard,” as defined in Section 746.1.

(b) A junkyard which becomes visible due to inadequate maintenance of screening located off the highway right-of-way, or the placement of junk so that it may be seen above or beyond the screen, or otherwise becomes visible.

(c) A junkyard which, due to any conditions other than those described in subdivision (f) of Section 746, is established or maintained in violation of this article.

California Tire Enforcement Complaints

CalRecycle is responsible for investigating complaints regarding tire haulers or storage/facilities. If you think you have a valid complaint, E-mail Include the following information and attach any evidence that you may have.

Name of the Person/Business the Complaint is Regarding
Date/Time of Violation
Location of Violation Observed
License Plate Number & Vehicle Description
Quantity of Tires
A brief statement describing the nature of your complaint

Please include your contact information in the E-mail, should CalRecycle staff have any further questions regarding the nature of the complaint. CalRecycle will ensure that you remain anonymous.