Spring Valley S.E.E.D.S.
Environments &
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On October 27th 2022, the California Strategic Growth Council voted to award the County $300,000 as part of the Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) Program. TCC empowers the communities most impacted by pollution to choose the strategies and projects best suited to achieve their community vision and enact transformational change.
The County was selected to implement a 2-year planning grant for its application titled Spring Valley SEEDS - Sustainable Environments & Engaged Development Strategies . The project will undertake five distinct planning tasks focused on the Spring Valley community of the unincorporated area that intend to increase economic resiliency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and address public and environmental health issues.
The grant effort is led by the County’s Office of Sustainability and Environmental Justice with five co-applicants that have related project expertise or experience working in the Spring Valley community, including the Spring Valley Community Alliance, Bikes del Pueblo, San Diego Youth Services, San Ysidro Health, and the Spring Valley Chamber of Commerce.
Sustainability and Engagement Planning Projects
First and Last Mile Audits and Bike Safety Events (1LM): An assessment of 1LM non-motorized transportation options such as walking, biking, and rolling to help identify opportunities to improve walkability, bike-ability, and transit use. Improving bike-ability and walkability also has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Food Systems Programming and Community-Based Kitchen Design (Food Systems Programming): The development of a program and construction design plans for a community-based kitchen and composting facilities that will support increased opportunities for employment for young people from agriculture to food service. Supporting the local food system also has the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Community-led transformation for a sustainable California
The County of San Diego and the Spring Valley Community Alliance are Co-Applicants for the Transformative Climate Communities Grant offered by the California Strategic Growth Council. This grant funds development and infrastructure projects that achieve major environmental, health, and economic benefits in California’s most disadvantaged communities. Being that the County of San Diego recently identified areas of Spring Valley and La Presa as environmental justice areas, this grant falls in line with the County and the Alliance's vision of transforming these areas into a climate friendly and prosperous community.