Power Line Undergrounding
Spring Valley will need to have a Underground Utility District (UUD) created to ever see the possibility of underground Utilities.
Each year, San Diego Gas and Electric Company (SDG&E) allocates funds to the County toward undergrounding electrical lines in areas of benefit to the general public. Allocations are not real dollars, but are a promise for SDG&E to spend up to that dollar amount on projects for which the County Department of Public Works has formed an Underground Utility District (UUD).
UUD’s are formed by ordinance after a public hearing is held. Each potential UUD must meet specific criteria mandated by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to qualify for the creation of a UUD and qualify for use of County funds.
As of April 2021, DPW does not have any current or future plans to underground utilities along Troy Street or along Bancroft Drive under the program described above. Additionally, County funds allocated for undergrounding have been programmed out for the next seven years.