Proposed Crosswalk for Lamar Park
Lamar County Park is perfect for young families and pet parents, with two separate playgrounds for children ages 2-5, dedicated off-leash dog park, pavilion for social gatherings, picnic tables, lawn areas, barbecues, restrooms, drinking fountains, and nearly 9 acres of open space.
To increase safety and awareness of pedestrian traffic to this neighborhood park, we are asking the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, the Spring Valley Planning Group, and San Diego County Public Works Department to take action on our request. Lamar Park needs a marked crosswalk placed at the pedestrian entrance on Bancroft Drive. The crosswalk would include a traffic control device used to stop vehicles and allow pedestrians to cross safely.
Please sign and share this petition to show those in charge of allocating funds and approving projects in Spring Valley that OUR COMMUNITY needs and deserves this crosswalk.
Crosswalk would include a Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB) or HAWK beacon (High-Intensity Activated crossWalK Beacon) which is a traffic control device used to stop road traffic and allow pedestrians to cross safely.