CSA #128 - San Miguel

Advisory Meetings:
1st Tuesday of the Month @ 6:30 p.m.
See Community Calendar

Spring Valley Teen Center
838 Kempton St, Spring Valley, CA 91977


County Service Area (CSA) No. 128 (San Miguel) provides school-based recreation programs and maintains local parks within the unincorporated east county Spring Valley Community Plan area. In 1991, Spring Valley voters submitted a qualifying petition to LAFCO, which sought to reorganize the county-dependent Spring Valley Recreation and Park District (SVRPD) into a significantly larger District. The SVRPD had been formed in 1963 to maintain a community center in Spring Valley and to provide youth recreation programs at local public schools through agreements with local school districts. Proponents of an expanded district selected a CSA as the form of governance because State Law allowed CSAs to impose benefit fees on properties within the district boundary to fund expanded recreational programs. The proposed CSA boundary was modified by LAFCO to strengthen the nexus between assessed properties and users of the school-based programs. The reorganization, which dissolved the SVRPD and formed CSA No. 128 as successor agency, was approved in 1991. Program users, who reside outside the district boundary and are not assessed benefit fees, are charged non-residency program fees. The larger district boundary enclosed several local parks. Park maintenance—previously a county responsibility—was shifted to the CSA. The County transferred an increment of county property tax revenue to the CSA to fund maintenance costs and the District contracts with the County Department of Parks and Recreation to provide maintenance services. A seven-member appointed CSA Advisory Board provides community input and recommendations to the Parks and Recreation Director. LAFCO approved a sphere-of-influence for CSA No. 128 in 1991 that is coterminous with the district boundary.
-San Diego LAFCO Special Districts CSA no. 128 Profile https://www.sdlafco.org/agencies/special-districts 


LEGAL AUTHORITY: Resolution No. 92-203 adopted 6/9/92 (17)

MEMBERS APPOINTED BY: Members of the Advisory Board shall be nominated by the Supervisor of District 2 and appointed by the Board of Supervisors.

MEMBERSHIP COMPOSITION: The Advisory Board shall have seven members representing those communities supporting the maintenance and operations of County Service Area No. 128 through payment of miscellaneous extended services fees. Members of the Advisory Board shall either live or work within the County Service Area No. 128 boundaries. All members shall be nominated by the Supervisor of District 2.

TERMS: Terms for the members of the Advisory Board shall run concurrent with the term of the nominating Supervisor.

DUTIES: The Advisory Board shall provide community input and recommendations to the Director of the County Department of Parks and Recreation regarding the maintenance, operations and budget for the park facilities and recreation programs within the County Service Area No. 128 defined area. The Advisory Board shall review and make recommendations on proposed County Ordinances regarding fixing and collecting charges on the tax roll for miscellaneous extended services provided by County Service Area No. 128 - San Miguel Local Park District. The Advisory Board shall operate in accordance with Board Policy A-74, and A-74a through A-74f, and shall be reviewed for continuance as a part of the regularly scheduled Sunset Review process for County Advisory groups in accordance with Board Policy A-74e, Citizen Advisory Committee Policy on Sunset Review. 

2021-22 Park Land Dedication Ordinance (PLDO) Project Priority List
A collaborated list between CSA 128 and Spring Valley Community Planning Group typically submitted to the County every October

1. Replace woodchips with rubberized product in all parks starting with Lamar Park

2. Shade structures over all park play areas

3. All wheel park

4. More community gardens

5. Plant more trees in parks

6. Little Free Libraries in parks

7. Shade structure for Lamar Dog Park sitting area

8. Pickle Ball Courts

9. Inclusive play equipment for AD & other different abilities

10. Sweetwater Loop Trail Completion

2021-22 Recreation Programming Priority List

1. More opportunities for kids under 10

2. Gardening & Composting classes

3. Fitness classes to utilize equipment at parks tailored to age

4. Skate & all wheel classes

5. Basketball and / or organized classes at all parks

6. Cooking classes at Spring Valley Community Center Kitchen